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Science at Malvern Parish

At Malvern Parish, our vision is for all children and adults to become aware of their God given gifts so they can flourish as individuals, achieve academically and build firm foundations for the future.

Science teaching at Malvern Parish CE Primary School aims to develop and foster children’s interest and curiosity and give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically. We aim for them to gain an understanding of scientific processes and an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.

At Malvern Parish Primary School, scientific enquiry skills and knowledge are taught as part of cross-curricular topics. These skills and knowledge are taught and revisited throughout their time at school. For example, units such as Plants, are taught in Key Stage One and built on in Key Stage Two. This allows children to embed their learning and build upon their prior knowledge which increases their enthusiasm for the subject and enables them to flourish.