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Parent’s Voice

The best schools are those where there is a real partnership between school and families and this is something school is always keen to promote. Parents Voice exists to provide a forum for discussing issues that affect the whole school community and for exchanging views and opinions. This forum supports the schools vision and it is only when we work together that all stakeholders can flourish and prosper. 

Parent’s Voice aims to hold one meeting a term and the core group consists of one or two parent representatives from each year group and Mr Bream our Head of School. Other parents are welcome to attend meetings if they wish to do so.

Parents Representatives for 2022 - 2023

Year R C Turner

Year 1 Mrs Adkins

Year 2 Ms Abdo

Year 3 Mrs Iley

Year 4 Ms Nabbs

Year 5 Mrs Hart 

Year 6 Mrs Spencer


Date of next meeting: Monday 5th December 2022 

Agenda to follow